Educational video blogs: The specific features of content for children and teenagers




video blog, educational blog, internet, teacher blogger, educational content


The article presents the results of studying the content of educational video blogs. The empirical basis of the study included 236 educational videos that were selected during interviews with teachers and experts and in focus groups with schoolchildren. The videos were analyzed according to a scheme we developed — it included the video background, animation, the blogger’s communication techniques, digital learning tools, etc. We identified the following types of educational content: ‘topic explanation’, ‘educational event’, ‘answers to questions’, and ‘personal content’. A large group of videos comprised the ‘other’ type. Statistical and qualitative methods were applied to analyze the collected data. We identified the features of educational content for children and adolescents, described the features of the four types of educational content, and found that the ‘topic explanation’ type is the most dominant. We analyzed the ‘topic explanation’ type in terms of whether the bloggers are teachers and in terms of their distribution by areas of specialization and levels of education.

The videos of the ‘topic explanation’ and ‘answers to questions’ types are characterized by better structure, specific terminology, and high complexity and depth of the material. In contrast, the information of the ‘educational event’ and ‘personal content’ types is presented in a simpler manner, more emotionally and more creatively: the content in such videos is easier to perceive and is not overloaded with complex terminology and redundant information.

We used the method of directed associations to describe the educational content taking into account the target audience. After watching a video, the experts described it with three adjectives. Based on the analysis of the adjectives, we identified the main features of educational video content for children and adolescents: usefulness, brevity, accessibility and simplicity.



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