Executive functions of primary school children





arbitrary regulation, executive functions, inhibitory control, working memory, primary school students, students with mental retardation


The article considers the executive functions of primary school children with normative development and mental retardation. The study involved 91 primary school children, including 39 children with normative development and 52 children with mental retardation.

The parameters of the simple and complex sensorimotor reactions were assessed using the software implementation of the ReBOS method of reflex metric measurements, software version 2.1 (Vergunov and Nikolaeva 2009).

Working memory was determined using the technique “Interference” (a software package for determining the characteristics of visual-spatial memory systems) (Razumnikova and Savinykh 2016).

Executive dysfunction in children causes a wide range of symptoms, including cognitive, emotional and behavioral difficulties. Western scientists associate children’s attention problems with impaired executive functions—in particular, impaired inhibitory control. Executive dysfunction may explain poorer academic performance and social-emotional competence (Burnett, Scratch, and Anderson 2013).

The study shows that students with normative development demonstrate timely reactions associated with elementary attitudes, which indicates a developed complex sensorimotor reaction and inhibitory control. This is manifested in following the teacher’s instructions, organizing one’s workplace, and the correct spelling of the date and classwork in the notebook. Reproduction trained by learning is the model of working memory which is typical of the schoolchildren.

In schoolchildren with mental retardation, the study shows the lack of formation of the complex sensorimotor reaction and inhibitory control. In this group of subjects, memory interference is greater, which leads to the impossibility of distributing attention during the class, and consequently to not mastering the educational material.



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