Attitude of primary school children to children with disabilities in inclusive education




relationships, group of children, child psychology, young schoolchildren, children with disabilities


In recent scientific studies, quite a lot of attention is paid to inclusive education. This article presents material devoted to the attitude of primary school children to children with disabilities.

In this work, we used the following methods: theoretical data analysis, content analysis of Internet sources, empirical research.

In the course of a theoretical analysis of prior research, certain aspects of addressing the problems of children’s attitudes towards peers with disabilities were highlighted. Relationship challenges of primary school students have been the focus of research by many authors. The main ones characterize aspects of mutual understanding and emotional patterns. Children in primary school age pay a lot of attention to external factors. Therefore, a group of children is often prone to bullying, fights, misunderstanding, etc. The challenge of organizing the education of children with disabilities is extremely relevant in the modern world. Children studying in school conditions constantly face various barriers, prejudices of others and limitations in their own abilities. Despite the promotion of inclusive education, the development of various adapted programs, the creation of a barrier-free environment, the education of children with disabilities in a regular school remains problematic.

In the course of an empirical study, specific features of primary school children’s attitude to children with disabilities in inclusive education were identified. The results of the study allowed us to identify a number of urgent challenges in the relationship of primary school children to children with disabilities in inclusive education. In interaction with peers, primary school students were assessed to have a fairly high level of cohesion, students showed acceptance and friendliness. However, children with disabilities are not among the preferred peers. Other students are wary of them and refuse to interact with them in everyday life. Such challenges require dedicated psychological and educational interventions to promote better acceptance of children with disabilities by other primary school students.



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