Saint Petersburg for adolescents: The territory of everyday life




urban environment, social space, adolescents, friendly environment, everyday life


The article presents a study of Saint Petersburg as a space of adolescents’ everyday life. Urbanists, architects, sociologists, educators, psychologists and other specialists currently focus on the feelings, moods and communications of city dwellers, including young ones. The article examines adolescents’ independent movements, interactions and choice of locations in the area of their residence and in the city as a whole. In order for adolescents to recognise a location as “their own”, it should be comfortable (so that they can get cosy, get warm and eat there), safe (both physically and emotionally) and interesting (there is something to see, there is something to do). The main thing that attracts adolescents to “their” place is the opportunity to communicate freely. Their “own” place is not always an area designed for that purpose; adolescents often adapt existing urban elements to their needs. However, it is still necessary to create diverse public and cultural spaces for young people. Comparing adolescent’s experience in Saint Petersburg to that of adolescents from other cities, it becomes clear that the lack of such spaces leads them to compete and conflict with other groups of citizens, reducing the opportunities for young people. In Saint Petersburg, as opposed to other Russian cities, there exists a rich environment that offers adolescents a choice of pastime locations both in the centre and in the suburbs. Nevertheless, in Saint Petersburg, the interests of other groups of citizens prevail over the interests of adolescents, and their “voice” is not heard when urban areas are created or improved. Involving adolescents in designing such places will make it possible to take their interests into account and create an environment that is more friendly to young people.



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