Factors that impact how effective parents are in supporting their children in distance learning





pandemic, distance learning, parent education, coronavirus, lockdown


This paper analyzes the challenges that parents faced in the spring of 2020 when the school suddenly switched to distance learning due to the pandemic, based on the questionnaire responses of 304 parents. The Google form included questions about how prepared the family was for distance learning, and how the children did their homework, both addressed to the parents. Most of the parents were between 30 and 50 years old. This is a group whose children are actually of a certain age and that is actively involved in the process of supporting learning. 62.8% of the respondents lived in a megalopolis, 28.9% in a big city. The remaining respondents lived in small towns or rural areas. Families had mostly 1–2 children, although 4 families had 5 or more children. The majority were represented by parents of primary and secondary school children. The distribution of parents by type of education was as follows: 76.6% had a higher education, and 2.9% had a scientific degree, the rest had secondary vocational or general secondary education. The data obtained indicate that one of the factors contributing to effective distance learning in the family is higher education of parents. These families have more gadgets and almost always have a computer. This allows children to complete tasks faster and more efficiently. Such parents have fewer children, which makes it easier for them to help children. Finally, it is easier for them to understand the tasks that the teacher gives and offer competent answers to their children’s questions.



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