Media consumption by children and adolescents as an interdisciplinary research field
media consumption, children’s reading, studies, interdisciplinary field, internet, book, literacyAbstract
The information society dictates its own laws, provides new opportunities, and penetrates into all spheres of life of modern children and adolescents. Over the recent decades, the age when children enter the Internet information space has decreased. At an increasingly younger age, children and adolescents are using a variety of media consumption methods to read books (e-books on special devices, reading online and listening to audiobooks and podcasts).
The article presents the evidence from a number of studies conducted by the Russian State Children’s Library (the RSCL) in collaboration with leading research companies. The studies demonstrate how media consumption by children and adolescents is researched by various disciplines. As the studies used a single methodology, it is possible to compare the processes of media consumption by children and adolescents in 2013 and 2021.
In 2021, The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VСIOM) was commissioned by the RSCL to conduct a national survey on the topic ‘The attitude of Russian children and adolescents to reading’. The survey was based on a methodology developed by the RSCL’s sociologists in 2013 to study reading and media consumption in two age groups: primary school students (children in grades 1–4) and middle school students (adolescents in grades 5–9). The author carries out a comparative analysis of the two studies (2013 and 2021) on the following parameters: reading formats, reading and the Internet, media consumption, including in terms of gender and age parameters.
The article presents evidence from studies of media consumption, which evidence includes the views of children themselves and confirms a number of trends identified during the comparative analysis. The author relies on the materials of international monitoring studies in the field of education to show the key trends in media consumption.
Despite the active transition of reading to the electronic environment, children and adolescents show greater attachment to traditional reading than to electronic reading. E-reading still does not threaten the traditional book, but rather complements it and provides an opportunity to learn more about new products and exchange opinions with both peers and adults (parents, teachers and librarians who are actively exploring the Internet).
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