Book blogging as a mechanism to encourage teenagers and young people to read books
book blogging, book reading, opinion leaders, book market, book promotion, youth, teenagersAbstract
Blogging plays a major role in the lives of modern children and adolescents, since the vast majority of primary school children and younger teenagers are also viewers of various video blogs. Book blogging promoting literature on the Internet is thus of particular interest from the point of view of personality development in adolescents. In their posts, young online book leaders share recommendations concerning literature along with content on diverse topics covered in books and their own reading experience. This article presents the results of a number of studies exploring book blogging as a mechanism for encouraging children and young people to read more. A qualitative study called ‘Promotion of book products by book bloggers on YouTube’ was conducted in April 2023. Based on the method of content analysis, it analyzed five YouTube channels: Bookstop, Anthony Uly, Lera Zhuk, Ala and Alua reads. Another qualitative study, ‘Promotion of literature on social networks in the assessment of book bloggers’, carried out from October to December 2022, had applied the in-depth interview method and involved ten young book bloggers aged 17 to 32. The content analysis method was also used in December 2022 at the Non-fiction Book Festival 2022 as part of the qualitative research of a lecture on the topic ‘The development of modern self-publishing: How LitRes and OZON help writers find readers in electronic, paper or audio format’ from the Non-fiction Fair. The use of the above set of research methods brought the subject matter in question into sharp relief. Book blogging is characterised by targeting the audience that considers the blogger a leader or an expert in a respective field.
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