Consumer behavior of Moscow teenagers in the entertainment services market: The sociological analysis




teenagers, adolescence, leisure, entertainment services market, active rest, passive rest


The modern world is rapidly entering a new era of consumption. Russia, in particular, is beginning to develop as a consumer society characterized by various types, practices, images and styles of consumer behavior of various social and age groups.

The relevance of the topic is related to the lack of methodological and empirical elaboration of the problem of the spread and variability of consumer practices of teenagers in the entertainment services market.

The study of the opinion of teenagers regarding the peculiarities of consumption among this age group seems to us extremely important, since it is teenagers who are the most active group of consumers in the field of entertainment.

The study identified the external and internal factors that influence the choice of a particular form of leisure. The external factors are objective conditions that cannot be changed. The internal factors include socio-demographic and status characteristics that determine the choice of entertainment (gender, age and economic status of the family).

Teenagers can influence their parents’ purchasing decisions regarding a particular entertainment service, which certainly has an impact on the development of the entire consumer market of entertainment services in Russia and requires its active study.

The study shows that adolescent consumption of entertainment services has undergone major changes over the past decade, which creates the need for a sociological understanding of this issue.



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