A historical analysis of the concept of “gender”
psychology, history, gender, gender roles, gender identity, gender research, sexAbstract
The article is a historical study of the process of formation and evolution of the concept of gender and an attempt to synthesize different views on this problem. The article examines the relationship of the concept to feminism, the struggle for women’s equality, and social and cultural change. The article covers the views of various scholars: starting with Aristotle and Plato and specifically focusing on the views of E. Durkheim, Z. Freud, E. Fromm and others who examined the influence of gender on social phenomena and the differences between men and women. The authors analyze the evolution of the term ‘gender’ as a sociocultural phenomenon, starting with its use in biology to denote the social sex, and moving towards its active use in the feminist movement for the study of role stereotypes, gender discrimination and gender equality. The authors examine the views of different scholars on the dependence of gender norms and roles on social factors, including social division of labor, emotional and intellectual functions, the influence of biology on social roles, and the importance of maintaining differences between men and women for the progress of society. The article covers various views on introduction of the concept of gender in scientific discourse and its interpretation by scholars — specifically, by A. Posadskaya, R. Stoller, R. Unger, G. Rubin and others. The authors consider studies on how gender identity is formed in the social context and how gender features are formed under the influence of cultural norms and psychological factors. The article also discusses the importance of maintaining differences in gender roles for the progress of society and maintaining a balance between the biological and sociocultural aspects of gender.
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