Adolescent gender identity: A literature review




gender, gender identity, adolescence, gender identity factors, family


The article analyzes the concept of ‘gender’ and its application when studying the identity formation in adolescents. Adolescence is an important and complex period in human development, and it occupies a significant place in the psychology of personality development. The main goal of adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood. In adolescence, every aspect of an individual’s life has to change: there are new developments in the mental sphere, the behavior acquires the features of awareness, and social interaction patterns are formed. The transformations that take place during this period will determine all the basic qualities of the adolescent’s personality. The formation of gender identity in adolescents is characterized by the ability to determine the characteristic features of an individual’s behavior and correlate such behavior with the individual’s gender. The article is to considers the process of gender identity formation in adolescence, establishing the problems and difficulties of this process as well as the factors that influence it. The author explores the concept of ‘gender’, citing the views of different researchers on the content of the term. Gender identity is one of the main characteristics of a person, without which a person has neither self-determination nor self-awareness, and his or her values and attitudes cannot take shape. The article describes possible problems of gender identity formation in adolescents. It also examines factors that can have a significant impact on the formation of gender in adolescence. Family and the immediate environment are currently considered to be the factors that have the greatest influence on the process of gender identity formation.



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