The relationship of working memory and inhibitory control to the family environment of preschoolers and their involvement in physical activ


  • Elena I. Nikolaeva Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Anastasia A. Isayko Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Anastasia S. Fedoruk Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



inhibitory processes, working memory, interference, preschoolers, family, family environment, physical activity


The data on the influence of family circumstances on the quality of executive functions is conflicting. Hence, the purpose of the study was to identify the role of social and demographic factors in the formation of working memory and inhibitory control in preschoolers. In preschool age physical activity of the child is the family’s responsibility, therefore, we estimated the influence of physical activity associated with visiting sports clubs on executive functions.

The study involved 77 preschoolers (55 % of girls) from Saint Petersburg’s kindergartens aged 5–7 (5.6 ± 0.5 years).

To assess the working memory span and interference, a computerized method of memorizing visually presented stimuli was used (O. M. Razumnikova); to assess braking control, simple and complex sensorimotor reaction was evaluated (E. G. Vergunov, E. I. Nikolaeva). To assess the well-being of the child in the family, the Kinetic Family Drawing test was used in the modification proposed by R. Burns and S. Kaufman. Regression analysis revealed that of all the factors included in family circumstances, only the order of birth affects the amount of working memory and the number of errors in a simple sensorimotor response. Classes in sports clubs affect the amount of working memory at the first presentation of stimuli: children who have sports classes get involved in memorization immediately, they have a large amount of memory at the first presentation and more forgetfulness due to memorization (projective interference from the first memorization). The influence of family circumstances on the inhibitory control was not revealed.



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