The issue of young learner social and communicative development in early foreign language instruction




social and communicative development, early foreign language instruction, moral values, value orientations, intelligence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, relationships, attitudes


The article is devoted to the issues of social and communicative development of young learners in the process of foreign language instruction in line with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of pre-school education. Although foreign language instruction is not viewed in the standard as a compulsory educational component, nowadays foreign language instruction is widespread in all types of pre-school institutions and is included in child care programs. However, in the early foreign language instruction methodology priority has always been given to effective methods and techniques, while the goals associated with social and moral development have been mostly declared in methodological research only. The analysis of the content of the “Socio-communicative development” educational area offers us an opportunity to identify the main components and areas for this kind of work with children.

It was established that this educational field includes moral values that underlie moral consciousness as a whole, the development of social and emotional intelligence, which ensure the subject’s successful integration into society due to the ability to recognise, distinguish, and understand feelings and emotions and, on this basis, to carry out social interaction consciously and purposefully. It also involves the development of socially significant relationships that include a number of aspects. Firstly, it is the cognitive aspect, expressed in knowledge, ideas, images, meanings, etc. Secondly, it is the emotional and evaluative element which determines the choice of value and its further integration in behaviour. Thirdly there is the behavioural aspect which gives an individual determination to act in accordance with the above components. The close interconnection of all components, and, to a greater extent, the interconnection of intelligence and the emotional-evaluative component of relationships, as well as value orientations and attitudes, allow us to determine the areas for a child’s moral education in the process of foreign language instruction.



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