Digital childhood: An interdisciplinary discussion
childhood, digital childhood, interdisciplinarity, cultural studies, psychology, sociology of childhood, pedagogy, sociolinguistics, parents, digitalizationAbstract
The article provides an overview of the interdisciplinary discussion organized by the Childhood Sociology Research Committee of the Russian Society of Sociologists. The participants, coming from different disciplines, analyzed various aspects of childhood space digitalization and a wide range of problems studied by pedagogy, psychology, cultural studies and sociolinguistics. The participants offered surprisingly divergent assessment of a number of elements of digital childhood which had been earlier identified through empirical observations and scientific study. Specifically, the scholars expressed contrasted opinions on the time when the phenomenon of digital childhood emerged, and on the formation of the characteristics of a young person and his or her environment (‘digital parents and grandparents’) in the information space. The representatives of different disciplines have almost polar opinions regarding whether the communication space of a modern child is narrowing or expanding. Nor do the scholars agree on the degree of digitalization coverage or the differences in such coverage in subgroups of children with different family income, place of residence, etc. The discussion identified some promising topics of multidisciplinary research — i. e., studying the areas of ‘non-digital childhood’; determining the transformations in young people’s aesthetic, moral and linguistic values as well as transformations in their behavior; analyzing the relationship between the ‘new childhood’ and ‘digital childhood’; exploring the role of adult specialists in transferring the skills of using the digital ‘magic wand’, etc. The discussion revealed the mosaic nature of the scientific and analytical picture of the digital child and digital childhood, the multivariate vectors of development of digital childhood in the future, and the imperative of ‘building bridges’ between scholars studying modern Russian childhood.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Владимир Товиевич Кудрявцев, Светлана Николаевна Майорова- Щеглова, Татьяна Алексеевна Милехина, Михаил Иосифович Рожков, Татьяна Дмитриевна Попкова
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