Game preferences profiles of older preschool children in families with different parenting styles




game, game preferences, toys, styles of family parenting, older preschool children


The article focuses on game preferences in older preschool children brought up in families with different parenting styles. The research sample included 34 parents and 36 children of older preschool age. Parents and children were asked questions about their preferred games, toys, play roles, places for of play and parents’ participation in play activities with children. The obtained data were analyzed in connection with the style of family parenting. Families with the harmonious parenting style are characterized by active interaction between parents and children, which results in a large variety of preferred games, diversity of plots and a wide role repertoire. Most children in such families name home as their preferred place of play. In families with the minimal sanctions parenting style, parents set out practically no restrictions or requirements for their children. As a result, children’s game preferences are often reduced to the choice of computer games on gadgets and game consoles, which is also manifested in the choice of game roles. Families with the hyper-protection parenting style place an emphasis on board and developmental games, which might be associated with an excessive attention of parents to the learning and development of their children. The majority of children in this group choose kindergarten as their preferred place of play. Families with the harmonious parenting style are characterized by a more frequent alignment of children’s and parents’ answers about involvement in joint play activities, as well as about preferred games and toys.



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