Spelling skills development at the early stage of teaching English to primary school children (2nd grade)





the English language, foreign language skills development, spelling skills, primary school children, teaching English to young learners


The article focuses on the spelling skills development at the early stage of teaching English to young learners (2nd grade of primary school). The authors examine the specifics of the English language spelling, as well as the motivated and unmotivated principles of spelling (Zinder 1987). The authors also look into the phonetic, morphological and historical principles of spelling that correspond to primary school children’s level of proficiency in English vocabulary (Rogova et al. 2008).

The article pays special attention to the difficulties encountered by young learners as a result of the discrepancy between the sound and graphic image of English words. The concepts of “spelling errors” and “spelling mistakes” are considered and distinguished. The authors present the classification of spelling errors (Cook 1997) and the classification of five groups of words which spelling should be mastered by primary school children, taking into account the specifics of both reading and spelling in the English language (Rogova et al. 2008).

The article analyzes various points of view on the stages of development of foreign language spelling skills and on the system of spelling exercises (both general-purpose and special-purpose exercises). The authors argue that the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages to young learners does not pay appropriate attention to the spelling skills development in the 2nd grade and to the age-related specifics of primary school children.

The article identifies and describes three stages of spelling skills development (reproductive, reproductive and productive, and productive stages) and puts forward an algorithm of introducing the graphic form of English words by a teacher. The authors provide a detailed information about the system of spelling exercises (general-purpose and special-purpose exercises with examples) and demonstrate the connection between the stages of spelling skills development and the said system. The authors pay special attention to the activation of all types of young learners’ analyzers — in particular, the usage of copying words (visual and motor analyzers are activated) and spelling pronunciation (speech-motor and auditory analyzers are activated).



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