Physical activities during English lessons at primary school




physical activity and dynamic breaks, young learners, teaching English to young learners


The issue of preserving young learners’ health under the conditions of constantly increasing educational pressure has concerned the pedagogical society for decades. The article focuses on physical activities integrated into language lessons and offers definitions of the terms “a physical activity break”, “a PE break”, “a dynamic break”. A physical activity break is a short break from studies for a set of special exercises aimed to prevent fatigue and other unfavourable consequences of learning activities. The term “a dynamic break” or “a PE break” is commonly referred to as the time allocated for physical activity during the lesson (Vajner, Kastyunin 2012). In our opinion, since a dynamic break or a PE break is a special time for physical activity breaks, and the two concepts are closely linked with each other, a sustainable word combination “physical activity and dynamic breaks” was formed in national methodological research. In our research, particular attention is devoted to the classification of physical activity and dynamic breaks. A thorough examination of scientific and methodological literature has shown that there is no unique generally accepted classification of physical activity and dynamic breaks for young learners. Moreover, there is no such classification for children who are learning English as a foreign language. It is for this reason that we introduce an original classification of physical activity and dynamic breaks for English lessons at primary school. It is based on the development of young learners’ language skills, i. e. pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills. This classification includes articulation and breathing exercises, Total Physical Response (TPR), physical exercises for different parts of the body and special exercises for fingers fatigue prevention. We recommend introducing songs, chants and poems, videos, sketches, educational games, and mini-games in the course of physical activity and dynamic breaks. Physical exercise promotes physical and emotional discharge as well as helps young learners to transit from one activity to another, it has a favourable effect on pupils, and makes a positive impact on the acquisition of learning material. The younger the children, the greater their need for physical activity, and the higher the importance of physical activity and dynamic breaks during the lesson. The article offers examples and recommendations for physical activity and dynamic breaks on the topic “Animals” for young learners (2nd form, the first year of English instruction).



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