Analysis of fear in preschool children from Mozambique




fear, children of preschool age, the phenomenon of childhood, education, Mozambique, Africa, socio-cultural environment


The article explores fear in older preschool children living in Mozambique. The theoretical background and the path of the research are shaped by the works of A. I. Zakharov, A. G. Maklakov, A. S. Spivakovskaya, and others. They describe fear as an emotional state reflected in consciousness under the influence of real or imagined danger and accompanied by physiological changes in higher nervous activity. Particular focus is given to the works of L. S. Vygotsky and M. Mead whose studies are centered around socio-cultural factors. Central to our research is the phenomenon of childhood in Africa with the focus on education, lifestyle, culture and social environment. The research involved Mozambique’s older preschool children. The methodology of the study included the tool “Fears in the houses” (A. I. Zakharov, M. A. Panfilova) as well as an “Observation Map” and a specifically developed questionnaire for parents. The research showed that:

  • All children have a low level of fear, with boys more susceptible to fear than girls;
  • Girls tend to show non-verbal manifestations of fear, while boys tend to reveal fear verbally;
  • Among the biggest fears are fears of animals, insects, and fairy-tale characters. Actual fears include the fear of causing physical damage, fear of dark and nightmares;
  • All parents consider the topic of children’s fears relevant and are interested in it; the parents of boys give more complete answers, while the parents of girls give more unique answers.

Thus, the formation and manifestation of fear in older preschool children in Mozambique is determined not only by age and individual characteristics but also by socio-cultural factors.

Author Biography

Anna A. Veretennikova, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia




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