Children and place of residence: Peculiarities of applying the sociogeographic approach (based on the results of an empirical study)




sociogeographic approach, children, spatial behaviour, spatial relations, city, village, mobility


The article examines children’s perception of their living space and their attitude to their city, and addresses the issues of mobility, as well as the analysis of the difficulties that accompany the process of changing their place of residence for children of different ages who live in different localities. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of the features of children’s movements and the conditions for their adjustment to an urban environment, and their evaluative judgments in regard to the characteristics of their residence locality by means of the sociogeographic approach based on the criteria of the children’s gender, age, type of locality, and Federal district of residence. The interviewed sample was comprised of 2243 school students (grades 5–11) residing in 16 localities of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study was to describe the children’s spatial relationships and spatial behaviour, and their attitude to their city on the scale of the microdistrict, the locality of residence, and of the country as a whole, as well as to identify significant factors that affect their characteristics. According to the results of the study, it can be noted that moving house has a significant impact on the social aspects of children’s daily lives: all respondents mentioned difficulties associated with finding new friends as the most crucial factor. In accordance with the principles of urban space organisation, the participants ranked attractiveness, conductivity, and comfort of the locality as most important. According to the results of the empirical study, it can be argued that in order to change a child’s perception of their urban space in a positive way, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for their cultural and social activities, taking into account the characteristics of the locality; to organise spaces for active games; to allow them to participate in decision-making concerning the organisation of their living space.



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