Asymmetry of facial muscle expression and lateral preferences in arm and leg usage among adolescents with different levels of physical activity




functional asymmetry, facial muscles expression, arm and leg laterality traits, athletes, adolescents, 2B-PLS


Lateral preferences can contribute to competitive success in sport. Asymmetry of facial muscle expression (AFME) is the least studied laterality trait, especially in adolescent athletes. The study aims to determine 1) whether there are common factors that cause both AFME and arms and legs lateralization, and 2) in what way is AFME affected by gender and the level of physical activity. Methods. The study participants were 49 adolescents: 36 endurance sports athletes and 13 non-athletes, average age 16.4 ± 0.9 years (M ± SD), 35 males. The study determined the body composition, hand grip maximum strength, and activity of facial units (AU). Results. AFME should be considered as an independent factor (latent structure no. 1 in the 2B-PLS model describes 43.5 % of the variance) when studying functional sensorimotor asymmetry. Regardless of age, gender or physical activity, adolescents are characterized by the expression of AU02, AU06, AU09, AU10, AU12, AU15 and AU20 for the left side of the face, and AU01, for the right side. Latent structure no. 2 (37.1 % of the variance) is related to gender: compared to female adolescents, male adolescents have more limb muscle mass, more hand grip strength, higher expression of AU14 and AU17 on the whole face, and lower expression of AU20 on the whole face. Latent structure no. 3 (19.4 % of the variance) is associated with adolescents’ age and level of physical activity. Athletes and non-athletes differ in the AU01 and AU12 expression level on the whole face, which is most clearly manifested in the contrast between young athletes and elder non-athletes. Conclusions: The study found AFME is an independent factor of the functional sensorimotor asymmetry. The study also identified the specific features of facial muscle expression in adolescent athletes and non-athletes of different genders.



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