Development and testing of a multimedia questionnaire aimed at raising awareness of speech offenses: A pilot experiment




multimedia survey, linguistic examination of the text, conflict communication, speech offense, computer games, 2B-PLS


The article presents the results of a pilot study in which we developed and tested a multimedia questionnaire aimed at studying how well the students with a different degree of knowledge about speech offenses are able to apply their knowledge in practice. The article examines the concepts ‘conflict communication’ and ‘speech offense’ and defines the types of speech offences: humiliation of honor, dignity and business reputation; slander; insult; threat; humiliation on the basis of race and incitement to hatred and enmity; and insulting the feelings of believers. The authors developed a questionnaire to collect information via the internet: the questionnaire includes 28 videos (on average 40 seconds long) showing a conflict situation and at least one of the said types of speech offenses. The respondents included university students who differed in terms of their progress in the Fundamentals of Linguistic Text Expertise course: those who completed the course prior to the experiment, those who were in the process of studying it at the time of the experiment, and those who did not study it. The respondents were asked to watch the videos and answer questions about them: the questions, among other things, required the respondents to establish whether a speech offense was committed and determine the type(s) of speech offense(s) encountered in the video. We analyzed contextual information to identify the relationship between the respondents’ answers and their gender, age, education, etc. The obtained data was processed using 2B-PLS (Two-Block Projection to Latent Structure / Partial Least Squares). The discussion section contains an interesting example in which the majority of respondents made mistakes. The results will make it possible to refine the design of upcoming studies and develop an effective multimedia chatbot to increase its users’ awareness and develop their practical skills in the field of speech offenses.



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