Reaction time and cognition

Foreign literature review




executive functions, children, academic performance, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, reaction time, visual-motor reactions, auditory-motor reactions


The article is a review of English-language studies of the effectiveness of tests evaluating the time of motor reaction to visual and auditory stimuli. It is shown that reaction time (RT) is an indicator of the speed and effectiveness of cognitive processes. Sensorimotor tests are used in sports, professional selection, assessment of mobility of elderly people, as well as to predict success in learning. Sensorimotor tests are now widely used to assess executive function in children and adults. The results of tests using the stop-go paradigm make it possible to evaluate inhibitory control and contribute to a better understanding of how flexibly a person is able to control his behavior. The possibility of comparing data obtained under different conditions is discussed: using analog equipment and online software solutions. It is shown that the data obtained online is more reliable than previously thought. The neuroanatomical basis of the interindividual difference in reaction time remains insufficiently studied. The relationship between the interindividual differences of RT and the selective microstructural properties of white matter is shown. Further research will clarify the neuroanatomic and functional basis of differences in the performance of sensorimotor tests. New technologies and online services will make the assessment of executive functions available to more children and adults. This is especially relevant for developing countries, where the services of psychologists are not available to many people. The results of sensorimotor tests are important for the development of trainings that improve cognitive functions and for evaluating the effectiveness of such trainings.


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