The use of psychophysiological tools to study the concept of “mechanism” in linguistic research




mechanisms, 2B-PLS, humanities, natural sciences, exact sciences, technical sciences, social sciences


The concept of “mechanism” has long been considered by researchers, and its meaning acquires various connotations depending of the particular research area. However, in linguistics the concept of mechanism is vague, the studies on the topic are scarce, and mathematical tools for identifying mechanisms do not provide the opportunities that modern analysis provides in interdisciplinary research.

The paper shows the effectiveness of 2B-PLS, which has proven itself in interdisciplinary research, for problems of mathematical linguistics. The 2B-PLS model can be trained, using questions, to deploy predictors in the right way to get the most informative answer to a number of questions posed to the model.

We took 100 Russian-language research publications dated 2005-2020 to analyse the occurrence of the term “mechanism”. The articles of the corpus belong to scientific collections: humanitarian, natural, exact, social and technical sciences. The total number of occurrences of the term “mechanism” is 104, while the total number of words usages in the corpus is 370.8 thousand.

Based on the corpus, we showed that the term “mechanism” is a significant element of the style of research articles: it is used in 37 articles out of 100. The frequency of the term showed no significant correlation with the number of articles by year.

The 2B-PLS model showed that the work of linguistics mechanisms expresses general system regularities and particular specifics of datasets.

According to the 2B-PLS model, more recent articles in humanities and exact sciences discuss results in terms of their mechanisms in more detail than older works in the technical and social sciences (contrast groups). At the same time, in the periods with rare publication of the articles in the corpus, more recent articles in humanities used the term “mechanism” in one publication less often than the articles in natural, social and technical sciences (contrast groups).



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