Age-specific beliefs in supernatural phenomena




paranormal phenomena, beliefs, age characteristics, supernatural powers, teenagers, youth


The article presents the results of a study on the attitudes of modern people to supernatural phenomena. Literature review shows that the belief in paranormal phenomena is widespread among modern students, which underpins the relevance of this study. The article pays special attention to the age-related features of such belief. The study involved 570 people aged 12 to 60 years. Participation in the study was voluntary. All subjects were divided into age groups: 24 teenagers (11–15 years old), youth (16–19 years old) — 195 people, 237 people aged 20 to 30, 70 people aged 30 to 40, and 44 people aged 40 to 60. The survey was conducted using a Google form. Many questions were often answered with skepticism. When the respondents were asked which of the proposed supernatural phenomena they believe in, the answer “I don’t believe” was found in all age categories, but was the most popular among people aged 20 to 30 years. It was the second-popular answer among youth and among the respondents aged 30 to 40 years. In teenagers and people aged 40 to 60, the answer did not make it into the top three popular answers. However, in each group there is a certain percentage of believers in supernatural phenomena. The study also showed that teenagers and people aged 40 to 60 more often believe in certain supranatural phenomena, compared to the other groups of respondents.



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