On the readiness of graduates of social care facilities of the Primorsky Krai for independent living


  • Daria A. Popova Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
  • Valeria E. Kasantseva Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
  • Ksenia A. Sautina Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
  • Ekaterina A. Goryachenko Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4613-3971




socialisation, primary socialisation, secondary socialisation, social adaptation, adequate self-esteem, basic trust, independent life, orphans, foresight session, image of the future


A striking example of a research focus: the contradiction between primary and secondary socialisation in children brought up in families and social care facilities. Children from families undergo primary socialisation at home through socialisation agents such as significant adults and family members. Orphans are forced to socialise through institutional agents of socialisation: teachers and peers. Thus, socialisation of children in social care facilities is limited to its secondary stage which is, at the same time, not always effective. Living in social care facilities often means that children are left with the feeling of being an orphan, low self-esteem, and a distorted concept of “care”. Children develop a sense of distrust and have vague ideas about their future as they do not see opportunities to achieve their goals. This is another factor that impedes socialisation once they graduate. A lack of basic skills also makes it difficult to adapt in society. Graduates have insufficient knowledge, skills and abilities when it comes to independent living skills, a low level of financial literacy, a lack of understanding of what a normal family and marriage are. The article presents the results of a study conducted through a foresight session to identify readiness of graduates of social care facilities for independent living. A foresight session is an innovative brainstorming session that provides information about pre-existing advantages and disadvantages. Then, this information lays the foundation for the development of new patterns and techniques. The foresight session revealed that children from social care facilities have a very vague image of their future. It is dominated by material values and physiological needs. The respondents are unable and/or fear to imagine their future, voice their goals and desires or draft a plan on how to implement them.



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