Interrelation of components of research potential and social roles of senior students of Nakhimov Naval School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation




research potential, components of research potential, social (team) roles, teenagers


The article discusses reformation of basic and secondary general education. The authors highlight the need to enhance training programmes of the Nakhimov Naval School with practice-based research. The study aimed to identify the differences in the development of research potential in grade 9 and grade 10 students. Another aim was to determine the impact of social (team) roles on the development of the general level of research potential in each age period. The article introduces such forms of problem-based learning used at the Nakhimov Naval School as practice-based classes, experimental laboratory work, practice-based research classes, research-based modelling, etc.

The authors highlight that continuity in the development of readiness for research is entirely determined by the student’s individual trajectory.

The comparative analysis of the results of the study revealed a low level of research potential in grade 9 students, whereas research potential in grade 10 students was assessed as average or high. It was also found that grade 9 students have more Creators and Implementers, while most grade 10 students perform the roles of Experts, Diplomats, Idea Persons, Workers, and Implementers.

The obtained results are instrumental in the development of effective student-teacher interaction strategies aimed to increase the general level of research potential in students of the Nakhimov Naval School. The emphasis should be on project-based activities directly related to the students’ future professional needs. This approach will encourage the development of all the components of research potential in students.



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