Relationship between inhibitory control and lateral preferences in normal individuals and individuals with speech disorders




inhibitory control, sensorimotor reactions, interference control, type of profile of functional sensorimotor asymmetry, FSMA, lateral profile, speech disorders


The article discusses the results of a study of inhibitory control in healthy individuals and individuals with speech disorders with different lateral preferences. The experiment involved 100 participants: 20 individuals with speech impairments and students without speech impairments. The profile of functional sensorimotor asymmetry (FSMA) was identified using a set of tests to reveal the priority of the left or right side of the brain in sensory and motor spheres. The study of inhibitory control included an analysis of interference control by using O. M. Razumnikova’s method “Interference” and the data of self-monitoring obtained by the ReBOS technique. The “Interference” method is used to evaluate the degree of interference in working memory. It consists of three series, in each of which an individual is sequentially presented with 30 objects. In each of the series the individual was asked to choose a new object, that was not chosen in the previous series. The ReBos technique makes it possible to assess both simple and complex sensorimotor reactions, which enhance the quality of predicting the fractal structure of the sensory flow. The study found that the individuals without speech problems have an approximately equal distribution of mixed (39.1%) and right (37.3%) types of functional sensorimotor asymmetry profiles, while the individuals with speech disorders have an approximately equal distribution (30% left, 30% mixed, 40% right) of all the three types of lateral profiles. It was revealed that the individuals with the left type of the asymmetry of motor and sensory components demonstrate the lowest average indicators of interference in working memory, and the more left signs the individuals have, the better simple and complex sensorimotor reactions they show. It was found that the individuals with speech disorders perform complex sensorimotor reactions better.



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