A comparative analysis of inhibitory control, working memory and IQ in 5–7 year olds studying on different preschool programs





executive functions, working memory, inhibitory control, preschool age, non-verbal intelligence, preschool education programme


Executive functions are cognitive functions that guide behavior change, and, therefore, enable a child to acquire knowledge and learn new skills. They include inhibition and working memory. However, there is no data on how particular educational programme impacts the formation of inhibitory processes, the level of working memory and non-verbal intelligence in 5–7 year olds. This gap in research prompted the study.

The paper presents the results of a study that focuses on the level of inhibitory control, working memory and non-verbal intelligence in children aged 5–7 (72 people) studying on various educational programmes. To analyse the impact of an educational programme on executive functions, a comparative analysis of the level of inhibitory control and working memory was carried out. Working memory was assessed using the methodology developed by (O. M. Razumnikova and M. A. Savinykh); the level of inhibitory processes in the go/go and go/no-go reaction was assessed using the ReBos software (E. G. Vergunov); IQ was assessed using Raven Colored Progressive Matrices; family data were collected using a questionnaire for parents. The research included children from three kindergartens from Saint Petersburg that follow one of the programmes: Montessori programme (34 children aged 5.7 ± 07); From Birth to School programme ed. N. E. Veraksa and others (19 children aged 6.2 ± 0.7); a specialised programme by D. Paute (19 children aged 5.9 ± 0.6). The study did not reveal a correlation between an educational programme and the level of working memory and IQ. The results indicate a tendency towards better inhibitory control for the Montessori programne, which, however, requires additional verification due to the high level of variance in the results.



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