Preschool children’s knowledge of the art of different countries




preschool children’s knowledge of the culture of different countries, developing art knowledge, ideas about art, representations, assessment, preschool age, countries’ art


This article focuses on the assessment of preschool children’s (6–7 years old) knowledge regarding the art of different countries, as well as promotion of such knowledge. Global processes and the dynamic nature of the modern world result in heterogeneous cultural groups coexisting and integrating within a single living space, thereby making a multicultural society a natural environment for the life and development of a modern child. Preschool age is the age when the child’s notions of the surrounding world are expanding and developing at a high rate, the age when he develops the notions of morality and starts to belong to his culture. The effectiveness of classes aimed at improving preschool children’s knowledge of other countries’ art has been considered per individual students and assessed according to the following criteria: completeness, vividness, detail, accuracy of images. The classes aimed at improving such knowledge mostly include the analysis of similarities and stylistic differences in various types of art from different countries: sculpture, music, decorative and applied art. In the article, we note the desirability and effectiveness of using electronic educational resources in classes aimed at developing student’s knowledge of other countries’ art.

The importance of classes aimed at developing student’s knowledge of other countries’ art is emphasized; such classes provide a positive emotional background for the way students perceive other countries’ traditions and culture. The emotional and cognitive experience of interacting with global cultural heritage acquired in preschool childhood positively affects the development of child’s personality, makes their understanding of other countries’ cultures more detailed and accurate and stimulates their ability to perceive the world in a tolerant aesthetic manner.



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