Engaging children in solving issues that affect their interests: Results of a survey





children’s engagement, family, school, urban space, engagement, questionnaire, survey, engagement index


The article analyses the results of a study on children’s participation in solving issues that affect their interests. To identify the level of children’s involvement in the lives of their family, school, and city, the index method was used to calculate the engagement index based on the level of the child’s self-perception as an individual whose opinion is considered or not considered by adults when making decisions. The data from the questionnaire given to children living in cities and towns in three regions of the Russian Federation (Novosibirsk and Arkhangelsk Region, and Khabarovsk Krai) served as empirical material for calculating engagement indices. To calculate the indices, three levels of participation were analysed: family, school, and city. At the first stage, each block of questions had a score scale from 0 to 2 points, where 0 points stood for minimum involvement, 1 point for the average, and 2 points signified maximum involvement of the child in the solution of the question. Then the responses of the survey participants were compared with the scale of notation, and the points received were summed up for each respondent. The results obtained allowed us to distribute the survey participants by levels of involvement. Indicated levels allowed us to assess which issues attracted the children’s attention, which issues they were involved with, and which solutions they would like to influence. In addition to the index method, the study used correlation analysis to determine whether there are links between the child’s positions in the family, school, and locality and their gender and age characteristics.

The analysis of the obtained results allowed us to identify patterns in the manifestation of the child’s engagement in public life and interactions with adults.



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