The issue of developing and assessing receptive phonetic sub-skills in early foreign language teaching




foreign-language receptive and productive phonetic sub-skills, auditory, articulation and intonation sub-skills, language and speech sub-skills, identification, differentiation, control, phonetic exercises


The paper focuses on the issues in developing and assessing receptive phonetic sub-skills. Despite the fact that the importance of the phonetic aspect is recognized by scholars in foreign language teaching methodology, special attention has always been focused on pronunciation, while the ability to recognize and understand audible language units has often remained neglected. Meanwhile, receptive phonetic sub-skills play a key role in the process of communication: the establishment of understanding in the course of communicative interaction begins precisely with a phonetic analysis of the message. Therefore, the acts of differentiation and identification, which comprise the receptive phonetic sub-skills, should be based on an accurately formed system of sound patterns and become highly automated acts that ensure instant recognition of sounds and intonation patterns. It is suggested that learning phonetics is of particular importance at an early stage starting from preschool where a special sensitivity to linguistic phenomena can facilitate a more accurate adjustment of the speech apparatus, the development of all types of analyzers, and the qualitative development of phonetic sub-skills.

The authors suggest that it is also necessary to ensure proper assessment of the learning results. An analysis of the existing classification of phonetic sub-skills has made it possible to clarify their types and relationships and specify the objects of assessment — the receptive language and speech sub-skills that provide for the perception of a sound in an isolated form and as a part of a word or a sentence. We believe, that a system of exercises designed to develop receptive phonetic sub-skills should include listening tasks aimed at identification and differentiation, which will promote the overall recognition of perceived phenomena. In addition, the main strategy should be towards a transition from developing receptive phonetic language skills to speech development. Such exercises can also serve the purpose of error correction and prevention.



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