Age dynamics of verbal and figurative creativity indicators in schoolchildren
verbal and figurative creativity, conditions of creativity testing, flexibility of thinking, speed of decision making, school ageAbstract
Despite long-term studies of children’s creative abilities, this area remains relevant due to changes in learning programs and socio-economic conditions of education, which influence the amount of knowledge the child needs and the flexibility of its use. The development of psychometric approaches to creativity enables us to consider the age-related dynamics of decision-making, which reflect the child’s ability to think critically and to alter their strategic approach to solving a problem, as the search for an original solution requires the use of knowledge from different subject areas.
In this paper we discuss patterns of age-related changes in the flexibility of schoolchildren’s thinking observed while testing verbal and figurative creativity with a limited time set for performing tasks and different levels of stereotype pressure involving stimuli that are repetitive or ones that belong to different semantic categories. The study involved 155 11–13 year old secondary school children. Creativity indicators were determined by means of Torrens’ subtests “Circles” and “Incomplete figures”, Guilford’s “Unusual use of an ordinary subject” method, and a verbal test of sentence composition, which involved combining words from distant semantic categories.
It was established that when testing creativity while applying a time limit and repetitive stimuli, originality and fluency indicators correlate positively regardless of the child’s age and verbal or figurative nature of the stimuli. The detected age-related decrease in fluency may indicate the development of inhibitory control functions and critical thinking, which, however, does not lead to an increase in originality, which may be explained by insufficiently developed flexibility. The highest creativity indicators during tests by repetitive stimuli were observed in eleven-year-olds, and for non-repeating ones, in twelve-year-olds. In addition, the effectiveness of creative task performance appears to be determined by gender. Girls demonstrated better results while performing verbal tasks, specifically, a higher degree of originality in composing sentences and names for completed figures.
The authors conclude that the age-related dynamics of creativity in schoolchildren aged 11–13 years may be associated with the specifics of experimental tasks, i. e. with the nature of the task, and the testing conditions.
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