Executive functions in preschool children with different lateral preferences


  • Anastasia A. Isayko Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia




executive functions, inhibitory control, working memory, preschool children, left-handedness, right-handedness


The research tested the hypothesis about the difference in executive functions in children with different lateral preferences. The author proceeds from the assumption that lateral preferences are predetermined by different rates of maturation of the structures of the left and right hemispheres: the earlier the process of myelination begins, the more the right hand is involved in certain actions (Nikolaeva, Vergunov 2020). It is believed that the more “lefty” signs a person has, the more likely it is that the process of myelination will go slower. This is why such children start to speak a little later. However, the earlier the child begins to speak, the more likely the right hand is to become active. Inhibitory control is described by evaluating simple and complex sensorimotor reactions (Vergunov, Nikolaeva, Balioz et al. 2018) and working memory (Razumnikova, Savinykh 2016). It was found that the amount of working memory and interference do not depend on the type of handedness. It is shown that inhibitory processes are underdeveloped in half of the respondents, therefore, they have a large number of errors in a complex sensorimotor reaction. It was found that left-handed children navigate better in the flow of signals, which is confirmed by a decrease in the number of errors in the second part of a complex sensorimotor reaction. We found an inverse relationship between the level of general and non-verbal intelligence and the amount of reaction time in left-and right-handed children: the higher the intelligence, the lower the reaction rate. In the studied age range, working memory and sensorimotor integration (assessed using simple and complex sensorimotor responses) have closely intertwined mechanisms.



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