Internet sources and school learning: Information search, reliability and fact-checking
schoolchildren, internet source, information, the internet, resources, digitalizationAbstract
The development of information technologies and the increasing accessibility of the internet have significantly expanded the information space, providing users with an unlimited number of resources for acquiring knowledge and data. Searching for information has become an integral part of students’ daily lives. Despite the lack of technical challenges in using search tools, students encounter difficulties in selecting reliable and relevant sources of information for completing their academic assignments. This, in turn, creates an imbalance between the level of development of the technological and operational component of digital skills and the skills that ensure effective management of activities related to the selection and evaluation of information sources. Information literacy experts express concern about the low level of critical thinking among modern schoolchildren and their insufficient awareness of methods for verifying information.
Internet resources, being one of the main sources of information, require its verification and careful selection. It is important for schoolchildren to learn how to analyze information, determine its reliability and evaluate its quality.
This article presents the results of a survey of 2,155 schoolchildren. Its purpose was to analyze the methods used by schoolchildren to search for and analyze information when doing tasks of different levels of complexity. The study also involved experts — teachers from a secondary school and a university professor from Donetsk.
The results obtained can be used to raise awareness among stakeholders such as teachers, parents and government agencies about patterns in schoolchildren’s internet usage. They can also prove useful in the area of education.
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