Using 2B-PLS to assess the effectiveness of learning: The case of the Applied Statistics course
fundamental and applied linguistics, undergraduate programs’, metacognitive awareness, 2B-PLS, color metaphor methodAbstract
The subjectivity of the process of evaluating students’ progress is actively discussed in the literature. That is why any teacher would love to have students who are aware of the process of their own cognition and to have a tool that makes it possible to evaluate students’ abilities and describe the anxiety that students experience in the process of learning from this teacher, or the confidence of students in the material they have studied.
Metacognitive awareness is an individual’s desire to control his or her own process of cognition, monitor this process and adjust it. Metacognition is particularly important when the teacher offers students to obtain knowledge from different sources presented in different media, which requires additional distribution of cognition and is especially important in the Applied Statistics course.
The paper puts forward an approach utilizing Two-Block Partial Least Squares (a trainable model) based on the results of Color Metaphors for students, which allows the teacher to:
- obtain a holistic picture of the educational process with the inclusion of the module materials as a subset of the objective function,
- increase the motivation of students, and
- assess the level of confidence in the assimilation of the material and free mastery of it.
An analysis of the results of the Color Metaphor method using 2B-PLS made it possible to make important conclusions for improving the presentation of the material in the educational module and for the organization of the educational process as a whole. The testing of the proposed Color Metaphors & 2B-PLS approach showed its high efficiency. The approach can be recommended as an additional tool for interim assessment.
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