Interaction between schoolchildren and adults in the process of participatory design: The Permsky Region case study


  • Daria A. Popova Vladivostok State University



participatory design, adolescents, urban environment, social interaction, child-adult, communication methods, participatory relationships


It has not always been recognized that children need special rights and protection, but in the mid-20th century, the United Nations General Assembly enshrined the rights of the child on the global level. Thus, the study of childhood, which includes the rights of children to freedom of expression, self-realization, and participation in various processes, is a relatively young academic field that is still developing actively. In the late 20th century, educators began to view children not as passive recipients but as active participants in constructive reality. However, municipal educational institutions often ignore this shift, which, instead, is only considered in private organizations that focus on children’s individual development and implement a personalized approach to education. One such organization is the Street of Childhood NGO (Permsky Region), which empowers children by involving them in architectural projects that shape the urban environment. This article explores the experience of implementing these projects with teenagers and examines the communication between children and adults within the organization. The study included 8 focus groups (43 participants) and 17 expert interviews, which made it possible to compare different categories of adults—leaders, curators of architectural workshops, and others—with children. The interaction between children and adults was analyzed using R. Hart’s “ladder of participation” to determine the children’s level of participation with certain adults.



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