Pedagogical foundations of designing the space of childhood at a preschool educational institution




children’s subculture, developmental functions, preschool educational institution, construction of childhood space, conditions, pedagogical tools, forms of introduction to subculture


The article deals with theoretical and applied aspects of understanding children’s subculture as a contemporary factor of children’s development. As children’s subculture is a kind of social education of the younger generation, the authors pay special attention to describing its socializing functions—such as the harmonization of socialization-individualization processes and the formation of a value attitude to the world.

Communication with teachers and parents reveals that the vast majority of them are unaware of children’s subculture and the specifics of preschoolers’ attitude to the world.

According to the authors, it is children’s subculture that can be an effective pedagogical tool of social development of preschoolers, contributing to the development of their social qualities, their capabilities and the knowledge of others, and helping them adopt values of the social world based on the principle of poly-variability.

The article defines the main conditions for constructing the space of childhood in preschool education: first, adults should be aware of and accept children’s subculture in order to use its potential for personal and social development of preschoolers; and second, the child should immerse in the content of children’s subculture in order to accumulate experience of constructive interaction with others and build social relationships based on their personal potential.

The article presents pedagogical tools for constructing the space of childhood in preschool educational institutions: pedagogical and reflexive workshops for educators, and forms of introducing preschoolers to the content of children’s subculture (presentations, exhibitions, game projects, events).

The methodological development was tested on the basis of Cherepovets ECE centers. Analysis of the data obtained during the monitoring in the experimental and control groups showed that the most significant changes in the personal and social development of preschoolers occur in the following parameters: the child’s interaction with an adult, the child’s social position in relation to a peer, the performance of independent tasks, behavior in independent activities, initiative in the presentation and implementation of their own creative ideas.



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