Geography of children’s well-being




geography of children, social well-being, subjective well-being, childhood, social space, childhood environment


The present research aims to identify the main characteristics of children’s well-being, their connections with the space and location of residence. An analysis of children’s well-being in the space that surrounds them is conducted via a new research area of the geography of childhood and is based on the idea of multiplicity of children's worlds and the position of the children-actors. The main attention is devoted to the analysis of methods for studying children’s well-being in the modern world (multivariate analysis of statistical data, social surveys, and standardised psychological techniques). This article identifies what socio-economic indicators make it possible to evaluate the well-being of the population in general and of children in particular, analyses the experience of the UNICEF annual reports that highlight the main components of children's well-being (financial well-being; education; atmosphere in the family and peer attitude; health and safety; behaviour and risks; subjective well-being). Childhood is an important period of a person’s life, which largely determines one’s future, therefore, special attention is given to the connections between children and geographical space and physical environment in everyday life. The author highlights the main indicators that make the space friendly to children and contribute to their development (inclusion, participation, opportunities, and attention from adults). The children’s well-being is facilitated by several elements that complement each other, and the absence of any of them will have a negative effect on the indicator. Such elements as a child’s free access to education, medical and social services, cultural and sports institutions contribute to their well-being. Another important contributing factor is the family — a child’s closest environment in the living space (neighbourhood), since the support of the family, relatives and neighbours helps to increase children’s well-being, as it unlocks the potential of the environment for children’s leisure and development.



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