The use of psychophysiological tools in the analysis of figurative comparisons in Stephen King’s individual style of writing




сlassification of similes, idiostyle, style-forming device, Stephen King, semantic meaning, 2B-PLS


The linguistic idea of an individual style of writing (idiostyle) is associated with a certain selection of literary means and ways of their combination and interaction. It is easy to detect them in the work of authors who prefer genres associated with significant emotional impact on readers. Simile is considered to be an integral element of artistic imagery. Identifying the specifics of simile in literary works can help to form a general idea of an author’s idiostyle and track its periodic and dynamic changes.

Stephen King’s work is widely studied in terms of the use of similes. This article studies the use of similes by King using a corpus of a number of King’s works, including a book published under the writer’s pseudonym. The corpus was compiled so as to provide an adequate reflection of King’s writing.

As an innovative element in stylistic studies, this study uses the tools for the joint analysis of the results of interdisciplinary experiments—in particular, 2B-PLS (Two-Block Projection to Latent Structure). 2B-PLS has proven to be highly effective in neurolinguistic, psychophysiological, biological and other studies.

The analysis carried out in accordance with the simile classification formed by the author (based on two structural classifications by Harding and Steen) allowed us to draw conclusions about changes in King’s writing style. The analysis identified consistent prevailing types of similes used by King. We also revealed the correlations between the length of comparative devices and King’s writing experience. Further, the analysis showed regularities and interrelations between the types of similes and the genre of King’s works.

The article shows the effectiveness of the 2B-PLS analysis of similes used in literary texts and suggests that 2B-PLS analysis can be used as a key approach to idiostyle studies.



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