Attitudes of teenagers towards bullying at school


  • Ekaterina D. Stepanova Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



school, teenagers, bullying, aggression


Modern researchers use the word “bullying” to describe aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. However, the phenomenon in question is older than the word “bullying”, and the use of the new word does not mean that the school is faced with a new phenomenon. There are plenty of works describing conflict behavior at school, but under a different name. Bullying at school seems to be a monstrous thing in the modern world — the world which asserts a humane attitude in a society where there are institutions for child protection at the state level. Some authors even characterize bullying as a challenge to the modern educational system.

In adolescence, bullying is an acute and socially significant problem. Reports of child abuse and videos of bullying of classmates and physically weaker children posted on social networks make a particularly painful impression and cause particular concern in the pedagogical community.

The paper describes the attitude of modern teenagers to bullying and its manifestations in their school life. One of the main conclusions of the study is that teenagers are confident that bullying can be effectively addressed by specialists—however, teenagers are often not ready to turn to specialists for various reasons. It was found that the higher the level of well-being (assessed using the Bullying Risk Questionnaire), the higher the interpersonal emotional intelligence and the parameters of managing other people’s emotions, which contributes to higher resistance to bullying. Further, it was revealed that the higher the feeling of insecurity in a teenager, the lower his level of emotion management. It is proven that watching films related to bullying and discussing them contribute to the formation of a conscious attitude to bullying among teenagers.



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