Dynamics of the representation of communication situations among people who stutter: Evidence from the participants of family group logopsychotherapy





semantic space, multidimensional scaling, situation representation, stuttering, family group speech therapy


The article presents the results of a study of the dynamics of the representation of communication situations among people who stutter. The evidence was taken from the participants of family group logopsychotherapy. The participants scaled the components of the speech situation representation before and after the course of family speech psychotherapy. Their assessments were then used in factor analysis. The subjective semantic space of speech communication was built, and the dynamics of its individual components as a result of successful treatment was shown. The study identified three factors: positive expectation of change (factor no. 1); speech problem, stuttering (factor no. 2); functional speech health (factor no. 3). Upon the completion of the course of family speech psychotherapy, the participants did not rate “stuttering” as a meaningful contributor to factor no. 2 (speech problem, stuttering). The items “familiarity” and “smoothness” increased their contribution to factor no. 3 (functional speech health), while the item “speech “, on the contrary, was on the decrease. The article concludes with the discussion of what exactly led to this effect.

We can assume that hesitation has ceased to play such an important role in the stutter’s understanding of his/her speech problem. Similarly, speech was no longer given that big priority in the self-assessment of the stutter’s functional health. Conversely, familiarity with people and fluency of speech became more important in assessing functional health. This is consistent with the key interventions in the social rehabilitation of stutterers, in particular, with the main ideas implemented in the system of family group speech therapy. According to numerous testimonies of practitioners, stutterers who gradually gain a better control of their speech and more confidence in a range of communicative situations, reassess the role of stuttering in their speech and speech as an obstacle to the implementation of communication.



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