Psychological diagnosis of postnatal depression in mothers of prematurely born children
diagnostics, psychological diagnostics, postnatal depression, mothers of prematurely born children, diagnostics of postnatal depressionAbstract
The article reports the results of the study of emotional interaction between mothers and their prematurely born children. In particular, it discusses the tools to diagnose the probability of postnatal depression in mothers of prematurely born children. The article provides a review of international research of the last six years on the impact of maternal depression and anxiety on the interaction with a premature baby. It also focuses on the degree of psychological distress, anxiety and stress reactions associated with. The theoretical analysis of the issue in question has shown the need for early diagnosis of postnatal depression in mothers of prematurely born children. A survey of 234 mothers of prematurely born children showed that they could develop postnatal depression at different stages of the study. The reason lies in the approaches to diagnosis. At the first stage, diagnosis was carried out within a group at the first meeting of mothers of preterm babies with a psychologist. At the second stage the sample was diagnosed by an already familiar psychologist. The differences in data on a sample of mothers of prematurely born children were identified with the most well-known and popular methods: the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (J. L. Cox, J. M. Holden, R. Sagovsky) and the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (A. T. Beck). The Postpartum Depression Screening Scale was found to be more sensitive than the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.
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