Technology classes for students with musculoskeletal disorders: Organisational and educational issues




musculoskeletal system disorders, teaching Technology, psychological and pedagogical support, educational process


The article discusses motor impairments in students with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) which hinder learning and the development of practical and subject-related skills. The article explores how specific MSDs correlate with an opportunity to engage a student with an MSD in teaching and learning.

In particular, the article focuses on the approaches to teach Technology to students with MSDs. It discusses difficulties in mastering manual skills caused by motor, spatial, or visual-motor disorders. The article also focuses on the content of the programme that can be adjusted depending on individual characteristics and capabilities of children with MSDs. Special attention is also given to the selection of appropriate materials and means for students to perform different tasks. From the methodological and psychological perspectives, an emphasis is placed on practice-based training in Technology.

The article provides guidelines on the organisation and content of educational activities for students with MSDs based on subject-related practical activities. Some recommendations are given regarding the ergonomics of workplace set-ups that accommodate for the special needs of children with motor impairment. Of no less importance are various techniques encouraging concentration, productivity and effective performance of students as well as the development of students’ personality. The guidelines and recommendations facilitate the adaptation of educational material for Technology classes with due regard to the needs of children with musculoskeletal disorders.



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