A new broom sweeps clean: Interviews of the citizens of Makhachkala, Dagestan, on age stereotypes in politics





age stereotypes in politics, protest activity, generation gap, politics, political discourse, the Republic of Dagestan


The article is based on a series of interviews in three regions, of Russia. It analyses the influence of age stereotypes on the perception of power by Russians.

The positions of Dagestanis regarding the age of political leaders are quite similar to those interviewed in Ivanovo and Saint Petersburg. In general, both groups are more likely to trust a mature politician.

The majority of the informants are unanimous when it comes to the reasons for political protests. At the same time, opinions in support of the protesters differ, while criticism of the protests is not political but, rather, “moral” in nature.

There are several reasons for the low political activity of young people. Frist, young people in Dagestan are isolated from politics and they do not seem to mind it. Second, they are reluctant to express their political views because of poverty.Third, the most talented and politically activeyoung people tend to leave Dagestan and move to other places.

The Republic of Dagestan is marred by an intergenerational conflict which is associated with a deep value gap between the older and younger generations of Dagestanis. Before, the conflict seemed to be fired up by Islamic fundamentalism. Today, however, the intergenerational conflict in Dagestan is driven by the Internet and gadgets, the areas where older and more mature people are obviously outstripped by the young.



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