Features of engaging children without parental care in decision-making related to their daily lives


  • Anastasia A. Stekolshchikova Far Eastern Federal University




engagement of children left without parental care, the child’s right, expression of one’s own opinion, foster families, focus group, interview


The issue of children’s participation in solving questions affecting their interests is particularly relevant at present. Certain groups of children subject to social exclusion, such as orphans, children with disabilities, and juvenile delinquents, consistently attract researchers’ attention. Scientists and practitioners are engaged in developing methods for collecting data (children’s opinions), involving children in the assessment and evaluation of social programs, and participating in research.

The purpose of this study is to assess the possibilities and specific features of engaging children without parental care in solving various issues.

The research method involved a series of focus group and individual interviews with children living in foster families and institutions for orphans and children left without parental care (3 focus groups and 9 individual interviews). A total of 34 children aged 12–17 years participated in the study; 72 more children were interviewed during an express survey.

The empirical data obtained indicate that in orphanages and foster families children are actively involved in solving issues related to their education, while most of them are limited in the choice of entertainment and recreation. The older the children become, the more adults listen to them; the children develop arguments in order to prove their opinions. Teenagers who are brought up in foster families or government agencies, will always express their point of view, but many do not know how to argue it correctly, which may lead to conflicts in their interactions.

The children’s opinions are generally considered in regard to their studies, choice of additional classes in certain fields of study and student clubs, and the organization of extracurricular activities in a child care institution. In foster families, a child’s engagement in home life often takes the form of various household chores, in which the children are offered some freedom of choice.



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