Case management and engaging children in alternative care in decision-making


  • Tatjana A. Meleshko Russian Committee Children’s Villages — SOS



case management, children’s participation, decision-making, alternative care, method of social work


The article discusses the technology of case management on the example of the Children’s Villages — SOS project. The charity Children’s Villages — SOS unites several areas of activity in assisting orphans including alternative care for children left without parental care. Case management is widely used in accompanying the inclusion of a child in a foster family. This approach includes several stages: receiving a child, conducting an in-depth assessment of his/her individual needs, planning for individual development, implementing an individual development plan, reviewing progress, and completing support. The main principle of case management is the child’s direct involvement in all procedures where the child acts as the main expert on his/her life. Such direct inclusion in decision-making regarding one’s own life shows the child the points of interaction, determines the loci of their life’s goals and interests, emphasizes that the child is important for him- or herself and others. Case management is a popular modern practice in social work with orphans proved by international cooperation experience. Children’s villages are located in the north-western part of Russia, and they have functioned there for over 10 years.

The study is based on the analysis of the child’s participation at all stages of case management; the potential of this approach to accompanying an orphan and the practical experience of the organization’s staff are evaluated. Expert opinions about case management coordinators and psychologists — the employees of children’s villages in Tomilino, Kandalaksha, Pskov, and Pushkin were also studied. Children aged 10–17 years who live in the villages were interviewed. Methodological developments on the implementation of alternative guardianship in the villages based of international experience, and basic principles of case management were also studied.

The paper offers recommendations to those planning to introduce or already implementing case management procedures in organizations working with orphans and individuals acting as foster parents.



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