Artistic design as a means of developing form-creativity in primary school children


  • Alla N. Misyukevich Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Iya V. Kalandarova Municipal Educational Institution «Sosnovsky Educational Center»



creativity, form-creativity, art design, design activities, design technology, primary school children


The paper is devoted to the issue of studying and developing the ability to create new art forms in children of primary school age. The authors review various approaches to the study of creativity. One modern trend of studying creativity is by considering this ability as the special mental phenomenon, a psychological phenomenon of complex structure that includes various components, one of which is the ability to create new forms of art. In the context of this work, it is important to consider creativity and its components that are amenable to change and development. The concept of “form-creativity” is revealed as a structural component of creativity and creative process, i.e. the process of changing or transforming the subject of creative activity and obtaining an innovative form as a result. The authors present a model for a new research approach to form-creativity as a parameter of creativity in the design activity of primary school children. The model predetermines the selection of methods, both classical and modified, to be used in order to detect the intellectual parameters of form-creativity, i.e. “Sketches” (by Elena E. Tunik), “Graphic anagrams” (by Tatiana A. Barysheva), and aesthetic ones, i.e. “The Geometry Song” (by Elena M. Torshilova and Tatiana V. Morozova). The authors devote special attention to the analysis and interpretation of empirical research results and formulate three levels of form-creativity development in primary school children: “Apprentice”, “Journeyman”, and “Master”. The study also revealed some connections between intellectual parameters (a child’s ability to transform) and aesthetic ones (a pupil’s sense of form) with age peculiarities of primary school students. The authors propose a program for the development of form-creativity by means of design activities, grounding the urgency of the program, defining the tasks, and highlighting the principles and peculiarities of its practical organisation. Considering the peculiarities and specificity of the artistic design method as a factor of child development reform, the authors define directions and areas of similar work in creative workshops. Pedagogical perspectives of work are outlined through the development of educational design programs and the introduction of design into the primary education system.



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