Differences in active and passive vocabulary in boys and girls of primary school age





children’s speech, ontolinguistics, individual differences in children’s speech development, active vocabulary, passive vocabulary, size of vocabulary, words of different lexical and semantic groups


Studies of differences in vocabulary in boys and girls, as well as other studies of group differences in speech development, allow for an individual approach to learning. However, the studies of differences in children’s speech, namely, in primary school children, in contrast to similar studies of preschoolers, are almost non-existent. This study is based on an experiment with 80 students (40 boys and 40 girls) of grades 1–4. The experiment had four parts: a group interview (groups of boys and groups of girls), a face-to-face interview, a written creative assignment, and an oral experiment. The experiment tested the students’ ability to choose one picture out of the four as best depicting the word given by the interviewer. Accordingly, we tested both oral and written language skills of students as well as their active and passive vocabulary. The obtained results were compared over a period of time as students were progressing to higher grades and their speech habits were changing. The experimental data show that certain differences between the vocabulary of primary school boys and that of primary school girls gradually disappear, while others, on the contrary, emerge. At primary school age, the gender differences in speech observed at preschool age are gradually disappearing. These differences concern the number of words and the proportion of nouns children use in speech. There is another speech characteristic of preschool age that children show in primary school. They tend to use the words of certain lexical and semantic groups. However, this tendency is also on the decline. At primary school age, boys tend to depart from literary standards, while girls, on the contrary, tend to comply with them. Another remarkable difference of this age is that boys begin to show a more accurate and specific perception of the meanings of words, while girls, on the other hand, begin to show a more “figurative” and metaphorical approach to the language.



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