Socio-psychological predictors of victim behaviour in adolescents


  • Olga G. Yaparova Katanov Khakass State University
  • Anastasiya A. Abolevich Katanov Khakass State University



victimisation, victim behaviour, adolescence, predictors, parent-child interaction, personality traits, regression analysis


The article reports the results of a study focused on socio-psychological predictors of victim behaviour in teenagers. The aim of this paper is to describe the contribution and define the significance of socio-psychological predictors in adolescents’ victim behaviour. The study involved 91 adolescents aged 15–16 years living in the Republic of Khakassia and studying in a rural secondary school with advanced instruction in a number of subjects. We used the Andronnikova method “Predisposition to victim behaviour” for older adolescents to measure the teenagers’ predisposition to various forms of victim behaviour. Cattell 14 PF questionnaire was used to measure personality traits that reflect relatively stable ways of an individual’s relationship with the external world and one’s self. The Markovskaya questionnaire “Parent-child interaction” was applied to identify the types of interaction between parents and children from the adolescents’ point of view. The study of the social and economic situation of the families was carried out using the archival method (by studying the “social passport” of the class). The results were statistically processed by means of the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 program using Multiple Regression. The following independent variables were examined as socio-psychological predictors: Cattell 14 PF variables, the parameters of the family’s social status, and the variables of the Markovskaya questionnaire. The indicators on each scale of the Andronnikova method “Predisposition to victim behaviour” were studied as a dependent variable. The significance of the predictors’ contribution (independent variables) to victim behaviour in adolescents was identified by the method of Multiple Regression and step-by-step selection: 14 PF Cattell variables, degree of emotional stability, degree of acceptance of moral standards, self-control and internal stress, as well as a predisposition to guilt, shyness-adventurism. Also, the variables from the Markovskaya “Parent-child interaction” questionnaire, which express specific features of interaction between parents and children: emotional distance, rejection, autonomy-control in relation to a teenager, parents’ inconsistent behaviour; socio-economic characteristics of the family: income level, and family composition.



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