Representations of the image of childhood in the liberal media in modern Russia


  • Liudmila L. Kleshchenko Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia



children, childhood, liberal discourse, iberal media, infantilism, delegitimasion of power, political symbols


The article discusses the features of representing the images of childhood and children in modern Russian liberal media. The author chose three cases: the “Meduza” online periodical, the “Novaya Gazeta” federal periodical and the “Ekho Moskvy” radio station. The author concludes that the ideological orientation of the publication is an important factor determining the nature of the use of childhood images. The topic of children and childhood is significant for the liberal media. Liberal discourse is characterised by an appeal to the concept of childhood as being different from adulthood, which is interpreted both positively and negatively, depending on the subject and purpose of the article or broadcast. The images of children and childhood are most often associated with such topics as politics, family, education, charity, and social problems. In liberal discourse, the image of childhood is often used to attract attention to a specific problem. The author observes that mentioning children in a political context can significantly increase both the number of comments on the published material and the degree of their emotionality. Even the publications that do not contain direct mobilisation appeals can cause a strong emotional reader reaction by including children’s images: the readers formulate calls for political participation on their own. This suggests that childhood symbols have a rather high mobilisation potential. In this regard, an appeal of the topic of childhood when describing events that are not directly related to children and childhood (such as the actions of adults) may indicate manipulative use of the symbol. In turn, the description of suffering children that occurs when addressing the topic of children’s participation in unauthorised political protests is associated with readers’ negative reactions to the actions of the authorities; therefore, it can provoke a loss of confidence in government institutions and facilitate the delegitimasion of power.



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