The role of reading in developing geographical representations in schoolchildren


  • Irina V. Mashkina School no. 37
  • Yulia V. Nikitina School no. 1
  • Evgenia V. Osadchaja Lyceum no. 33



fiction, geographical representations, geography, literature, reading, schoolchildren


This article discusses the role of reading in the development of geographical representations in schoolchildren based on the practical experience of geography, literature, and elementary school teachers. The main focus of the research is on how to introduce fragments of literary fiction in the lessons of geography and ecology.

The authors studied the school program on literary reading and literature of primary and secondary school, analysed the elements of geographical content in books by Russian and foreign authors, and reflected how these works may be used to form geographical representations in schoolchildren.

As a research task, the authors attempted to use excerpts from fiction as techniques and methods of developing geographical representations in their students during curricular and extra-curricular activities, and to determine what requirements such works should meet for this purpose.

The outcomes presented in the article substantiate the idea that teaching geography as a subject that forms a holistic view of the world is impossible without the use of fiction.

Through the descriptions of geographical objects, phenomena, and processes contained in works of literary fiction, the authors claim to have been able to promote in their students the development of the geographical image of a place, an understanding of geographical processes and phenomena, the correlation between the geographical space described in the book with real objects, an understanding of the geographical past through historical geography, and a better knowledge of historical geography as a result.

The authors emphasise that the use of fiction as part of the lessons of geography or ecology may promote the implementation of interdisciplinary projects.

The outcomes of the research also substantiate the idea that systematic use of fiction in teaching geography and ecology results in the students becoming interested in reading adventure fiction, which in turn increases their cognitive activity and expands their outlook.

The authors conclude that reading fiction makes a prominent contribution to studying geography. It may expand the students’ horizons, form vivid images of geographical phenomena and objects, and encourage the students to learn more about the world, to travel, and to encounter a variety of professions.



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